HCC COMPUTER DAYS article by Slimer...... The HCC Computer Days, Every year in november there is in the Netherlands the HCC Computer Days, this is a big happening for every computer fanatic. You can see there a lot of PC's(!), ST's(?), Amiga's and Machintosh computers. On zaterday the 23, the whole D.B.A. bunch left there H.Q. to visit the HCC fair in a place called: Utrecht. Vigo and a friend of ours, picked me up around 7:50 then we rounded up the rest of the crew in Drachten, Ecto 1 and Jat Jack. The rest of the D.B.A.( Bonus and K.G.E.) did also go to the HCC fair. The whole shit started at 10:00 AM and we where right on time, it was a little crowded but we managed to enter the fair without waiting to long to get a ticket. It was a big fair with much computer stuff, so we took a view hours to walk around in the tree big halls. We promoted our magazine and demo by dumping it in some PD liberary's. Some of us bought some disks and we collected information about hardware. While looking around we lost some of our members in the crowd, but we had a meeting place where we should meet K.G.E. and Bonus. So, me and Vigo walked further trough the fair, boring ourself's to dead. There weren't many ST's, there where only a lot of MS-Dos computers(yuck). So, at 1 o'clock we walked to the meeting place of the D.B.A. and there we had the "pleasure" of meeting the guys from Armalyte Inc. who where also walking around on this boring fair. After a while Sledge of Hotline came on a short visit and some other guys popt up. But meanwhile only 1 of our "lost" members showed up and the other 2 where still missing. Me, Vigo and Ecto 1 left the meeting place after waiting half a hour for the missing members. We where hungry but every snackjoint was crowded, so we left the fair and we dumped the disks in the car. We walked to the shopingcentre searching for a snackjoint where it wasen't to full with people. After a while we found one, a small snackjoint where it was very crowded wit people, but we where so hungry that we had to get some food soon or..... The guys in the snackjoint had a lot of stress, coz' they worked there socks of. Finally we had some food and some shakes to wash it away !! Time to go back to the meeting place at the fair. As we came back, there where only some members of Armalyte Inc. hanging arou but Bonus and K.G.E. where gone. So, we walked towards a PD club and put our magazine in there arses. A little later,Bonus and the rest where back on the meeting place, Bonus wanted to show me a preview of the intro for the second D.B.A. magazine. So, we walked to the a Atari users stand and loaded the intro in a mega STe. Back on the meeting point the missing members still haden't showed up, so we started searching for them. We split up and we found them back in a very short time. The whole bunch was standing by the Atari ST users stand all looking at the intro from the second Disk Magazine when i came back from the search. Wingleader of Armalyte Inc. wanted a copy of our first D.B.A. magazine. He wanted to copy the magazine on the STe, but as he treid to load the copyprogram, a asshole from that stand started to shout. He diden't wanted to let him use the STe to copy the magazine. If the Atari GG are reading this article: FUCK YOU LAMERS ! I'm really sorry that i have given you the first issue of our magazine !! Well, we went back to the " the point " and staid there till 4:20 PM and the we left for Bonus his H.Q.. We took off to Vigo's car, while Bonus, K.G.E. and a other guy where going with Bonus his car. The two cars where standing on different places so we had to drive on our ow to Steenwijk. After a little while we where driving on the highway, we could leave Utrecht without any big trouble at all ( no traffic jam's ). Then after driving for half a hour the car from Bonus popt up behind us. He drove past us and with high speed, Vigo treid to keep up but Bonus his car was a bit faster( hhmmm). So, after driving about 140 km per hour, we slowed down a bit, coz' Bonus was driving much to hard and Vigo's car coulden't keep up. We arrived in Steenwijk and Bonus was waiting for us with a big smile on his ugly face saying: what's keeping you so long ?? We staided a while at Bonus is H.Q. where we swapped some stuff for the magazine and we talked a bit. After all that, we left for our own H.Q. in Drachten, where we arrived at about 9:00 PM. All the guys where droped at there home's. I started right away with this article with all the facts still fresh in my memory. It is now 01:05 AM and i think it's time to go to my warm bed now !! See ya' in Eindhoven in Januari on the Atari ST Expo, i really hope that this will be a lot more intresting then the HCC Computer Days !! Slimer of the D.B.A.